The Republican Party
The Republican Party of the United States, also referred to as the Grand Ole Party, was founded in Jackson, Michigan in 1854.
The Republican National Committee (RNC or GOP) provides national leadership for the Republican Party. The primary responsibilities of the RNC are to develop and promote the platform of the Republican Party through fundraising, election strategy, and organizing and operating the annual national convention.
The RNC has 168 members – Chair, National Committeeman and National Committeewoman from each state (50) or territory (6). Each member receives one vote at RNC meetings and votes for RNC Chairmanship.
The primary leadership positions in the RNC are Chair, Co-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and General Counsel.
Michigan Republican Party Structure
The Michigan Republican Party (MRP or MIGOP) has elected leadership called the State Central Committee. There are also Congressional District Committees and County Executive Committees. The diagram below shows how precinct delegates are elected to serve on each committee.
The Michigan Republican Party is governed by a set of bylaws, which describe:
- the duties of the State Central Committee
- the direction, management and supervision of the affairs and business of the Republican Party in Michigan
- the organization of the MRP, including Congressional District Committees and County Executive Committees, each having its own bylaws and rules of procedures