Save Michigan: The Precinct Strategy
Our rights are trampled daily.
Our “leaders” are corrupt and complacent.
Transparency, accountability and integrity are lost.
We voice our frustration on social media, attend rallies, participate in protests, speak up at school board meetings, make statements in front of our county board of commissioners, lobby elected officials. All these actions are wonderful.
Now it’s time to be effective.
Fill every vacant precinct delegate seat in the Michigan Republican Party with America First patriots.
“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” – Plato
The Most Powerful Elected Office
Precinct delegates are the backbone of each major political party: in fact, the parties would cease to exist without them. They have the power to elect party leadership, nominate major state office candidates, and increase voter turnout.
Elect Party Leadership
Every 2 years, precinct delegates have an opportunity to elect new leaders for the county, district and state party committees.
The current Michigan Republican Party is a mixture of America First, constitutional conservatives and RINOs (Republicans in Name Only). The party is at war with itself. It is no match for the Democrat, socialist agenda, because it is operating at half strength.
View the diagrams below.
70% of the precinct delegate seats are vacant!
Fill each of them with a constitutional conservative. Restore the Michigan GOP. Make it grand again!

Nominate Major State Office Candidates
Only precinct delegates have the privilege of nominating major state office candidates for:
Lieutenant Governor
Secretary of State
Attorney General
Supreme Court Justices
Board of Education Members
Wayne State University Board Members
Michigan State University Board Members
University of Michigan Board Members
Presidential Electors
A majority of America First precinct delegates equals nomination of America First party candidates for very important offices!
Increase Voter Turnout
Precinct delegates are the liaison between the Republican Party and up to 3,000 registered voters in their precinct. Active precinct delegates can build significant influence in their neighborhood and become the trusted source voters turn to for political news and advice.
They’ve been known to increase voter turnout by over 30%! That’s over 900 votes.
America First candidates often face contenders backed by lobbyists and wealthy donors. They must rely on grassroots activists and precinct delegates to assist in promoting them. State legislative races are sometimes decided by less than a few hundred votes.
One more active precinct delegate could make ALL the difference in getting solid, constitutional conservatives over the finish line!
The National Strategy
Over 50% of the 400,000 precinct delegate seats nationwide are empty.
Dan Schultz, resident of Arizona, has been attempting since 2009 to draw attention to the immense opportunity we have to take back our country, if we would just organize and participate. He started the Neighborhood Precinct Strategy where he outlines the simple plan. In February 2021, he joined Steve Bannon in the War Room and inspired the audience to work on this mission.