Action Phase 2: In the Official Role
Only precinct delegates have the ability to elect new party leadership and nominate party candidates for major state offices.
Depending on the situation in your precinct and how much time you have available, you will have to decide whether or not to fill the official role. Realize that Action Phase 3 can be completed without being an official precinct delegate. Here’s a few helpful guidelines:
- If you live in a precinct with a vacant seat, filling this role is vital, even if you do not have the time to participate in Action Phase 3.
- If another patriot in your precinct is also interested in the position and has more time than you to be involved beyond just voting at conventions, please allow them to fill the official role and simply offer to help them when possible.
- If you live in a precinct with a RINO in the precinct delegate position, you will have to canvas your precinct (detailed in Phase 3).
Become a Precinct Delegate: 1-2-3
Elevation to Vacant Seats
County political parties may hold a vote at county conventions to elevate precinct delegates to fill vacant seats.
“Write-In” Candidates
If you miss the deadline for filing the Affidavit of Identity, you may still have an opportunity to win in the primary election as a “write-in candidate”. Ask the county clerk for a list of all precinct delegate candidates – if fewer people filed for precinct delegate than allotted seats available in your precinct, your chances of being elected are still quite high.
Ask a few of your neighbors to fill in the oval next to one of the blank spaces for precinct delegate on their ballot and write in your name, spelled exactly as you wrote it on your Declaration of Intent.
Vote at Conventions
It is ultra-important that America First Precinct Delegates attend, participate in and vote at conventions…this is our opportunity to (A) replace “do-nothing” county party leadership with patriots (B) elect state delegates to attend state convention to elect or nominate America First candidates!
WARNING: Many precinct delegates have reported never receiving the calls to convention or rules for the convention! Be vigilant – double-check that you are getting communications from the county party.
Robert’s Rules
Conventions are carried out in a smooth, orderly and fair manner by following Robert’s Rules of Order. It is important to know these Parliamentary Procedures for how and when to effectively introduce a motion or bring up a new idea.