Michigan Republican State Committee

The purpose of the MRSC is to direct, manage and supervise the affairs and business of the Michigan Republican Party.  This includes working to elect Republican nominees in Michigan.  The MRSC is governed by Bylaws, which describe the structure of the Michigan Republican Party and the role of various party officers.

Party Officers

TitleFirst NameLast NamePhoneCounty
Chair Kristina Karamo Oakland
Co-Chair Malinda Pego Muskegon
Administrative Vice Chair Ali Hossein Wayne 12
Coalitions Vice Chair Hassan Nehme Wayne 12
Ethnic Vice Chair Bernadette Smith Kent
Grassroots Vice Chair Marian Sheridan Oakland
Outreach Vice Chair Rola Makki Wayne 12
Youth Vice Chair Rylee Linting Wayne 6
National Committeeman Rob Steele Washtenaw
National Committeewoman Kathy Berden Sanilac
Primary Party Officers
The primary party officers (chair, co-chair and 6 vice chairs) are elected at the Winter State Convention in odd-numbered years following the General Elections.  They serve as ex-officio members of all standing committees and subcommittees.  The party officers meet as a group at least five times per calendar year at the call of the Chair.
Chair: The duties of the Chair include (a) presiding over MRSC meetings, (b) signing contracts, agreements and documents (c) submitting reports to the MRSC at each meeting (d) appointing and hiring employees as the business of the MRSC may require.  If the Chair accepts compensation, the salary is no less than the Senate Majority Leader and no more than the Governor, as approved by the Budget Committee.
Co-Chair: The Co-Chair is elected as the running mate of the Chair, and assumes the power and responsibilities of the Chair in his/her absence.
Coalitions Vice Chair: Supervises and directs all coalition building activities, including activities relating to senior citizens, women, union members, blue collar workers, white collar workers, professionals, small businessmen, farmers, sportsmen, conservationists and any other group that should rightfully be a part of the Republican Party coalition
Outreach Vice Chair: Supervises and directs all activities necessary to deliver the Republican message, including activities relating to media, letters to the editor, local cable access, Internet, assisting candidates with editorial boards, endorsements, and arranging for speakers to spread the Republican message
Grassroots Vice Chair: Supervises and directs all activities relating to precinct delegate recruitment, voter registration, volunteers, and get-out-the-vote efforts
Ethnic Vice Chair: Supervises and directs all ethnic activities designed to attract citizens of every race, color, creed, and nationality to the Republican Party
Administrative Vice Chair: Supervises and directs all activities relating to conventions, candidate events, and conferences
Youth Vice Chair: Supervises and directs all youth activities of the Party

Other Party Officers & Regular Members
National Committeeman & National Committeewoman: Elected at the Summer State Convention in Presidential Election Years
Secretary: The Secretary is elected by the MRSC at the second meeting. The duties of the Secretary include (a) keeping an accurate record
of the minutes of each meeting of the Committee and of the reports of the subcommittees, (b) giving notice to the membership of all meetings by sending same to the post office address of the member recorded with the Committee (c) making a written report to the Committee at each meeting. 
Treasurer: The Treasurer is nominated by the Chair and confirmed by the MRSC at the second meeting.  The duties of the Treasurer include (a) receiving and depositing all monies paid to the Committee at a bank designated by the Budget Committee (b) paying all bills charged to
the Committee when authorized by the Chair (c) signing and executing contracts, agreements and documents with the Chair (d) keeping accurate account of all receipts and disbursements in proper books, which shall at all times be open to inspection and examination of the Budget Committee (e) rendering statements of the financial condition of the Committee to the Committee at each meeting (f) making an Annual
Statement and report to the Committee at each meeting of the year (g) having books audited or reviewed for each preceding election cycle by certified public accountants proposed by the Chair and approved by the Budget Committee (h) serving as a non-voting member of the Budget Committee.
General Counsel: The General Counsel is nominated by the Chair and confirmed by the MRSC at the second meeting, and his/her duty is to advise the Committee, its standing committees and its officers on all legal matters involving the Committee.
Finance Chair: The Finance Chair serves at the pleasure of the Chair and supervises the Committee’s fundraising activities subject to the direction of the Chair and the Committee.
President of Republican Women’s Federation of MI
County Chair: A Chair of a County Executive Committee selected by the County Chair Advisory Committee
District Members: The District Committee Chair and 6 State Committee Members from each congressional district are elected at District Caucuses in odd-numbered years following the General Election.
